In order to understand this web refresh project, we needed to understand the client's current UX performance, and find opportunities to outperform the competition. Therefore, we analyzed the current state of MCM Machinery’s site based on functionality, user experience and search, then we performed a competitor audit. The result - a bold, unique and fresh new look using a WordPress (AVADA) template in a responsive design for both desktop and mobile. Our deliverables consisted of site map, wireframes, design concepts, prototypes, and a photoshoot to show the human interaction between people and machines.
Website and digital banner ads provide experts a 24/7 online portal to access practical information regarding formulations, tested recipes, expert advice in developing new products. Aimed at formulators in small to mid-sized food and beverage companies, INSIDE IDEA LABS is a 360º virtual lab that is a manifestation of the global vision for a digitally enabled Ingredion Idea Labs network. By connecting various regions in the world with the virtual labs, customers have always-on access to all the expertise of Ingredion globally through hotspots that offer formulation advice, concept and ideas, expert insight, white papers & research, and more. These labs are part of the many different segments at Ingredion including dairy, beverage and bakery.
2019 ANA B2 award winner in website category (under 100K)